
This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Winter 2009 to allow students an oppurtunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro and con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Thesis Statement

I feel that the drinking age should be lowered because who really knows when we reach our most mature level in life? What age do you feel that we gain the ability to make the choice to go out with friend and just have a casual drink. And be responsible enough to not take it to the extreme and get totally wasted and get behind the wheel and drive.

Do you think that the drinking age should be lowered to under the age of 21?

Young people today feel that the drinking age should be lowered. Young people feel that they should be allowed to drink when they are in college, in the armed services, or a licensed driver. They feel that if they are sent halfway around the world , given a gun and allowed to kill the enemy that they should be able to sit down and relax and drink a beer. Many soldiers have been and seen things that most of us cannot imagine possible.

Many people feel that at the age of 18 a teenager is not mature enough or responsible enough to drink any alcoholic beverages. They do however allow kids that are 16 to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and put other at risk on the highway every day.

In an April appearance on the FOX NEWS Channel, Mothers against Drunk Driving founder Candy Lightner declared that young soldiers "are not adults," which is "why they're in the military." Since they "will follow the leader" and "don't think for them themselves," she explained, "they are the last ones [to whom} I want to say, "Here's a gun, and here's a beer."

Not everyone agrees with her thought they feel that if someone is mature enough to handle a machine gun ought to be mature enough to handle a alcohol.

Super Bowl Party!

Super Bowl Party!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why not just lower it to 15!

Just kidding! I love the blog it very attractive and well organized. Way to go Keysa!!!!!! However I don't think that the drinking age should be lowered if anything I think that it should be raised. I do think thought that someone should tell Candy Lightner that she is way off base. If you can go to war for this country you should be able to have a beer when you come home. So maybe the age for enlistment needs to be changed to 21.

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